
Welcome to my comprehensive review. Kadence WP is one of the most widely used WordPress themes. It’s essential to make a well-informed choice when choosing a WordPress theme for your site. There are so many choices that it can be hard to figure out which is best for you.

In this article, I reviewed and discussed the Kadence WP theme.

I analyzed all its features, including the Kadence free theme and Kadence blocks plugin, Kadence Prostarter templates, and theme features.

I provided a comprehensive analysis of its strengths and limitations so you can decide if it fits your website.

Let’s get started!

Introduction to Kadence Theme Review 2024


Kadence Theme is a tool you can use to build your website. It works with WordPress, a popular site-making platform. Both beginners and experts like to use the Kadence Theme. It is fast and helps websites show up in online searches easily.

Unlike many themes, it does not look too fancy or too simple. Instead, it has a clean style that fits any type of website you want to make.

You can get started for free, as it is a free WordPress theme, or pay for more features with the Pro version. The free Kadence theme offers basic features for new bloggers or small websites looking for a simple yet customizable theme.

The premium Kadence Pro theme option caters to developers and website designers looking for additional features and flexibility in their website design.

As a WordPress theme, Kadence is easy to install and use, making it an ideal option for beginners. At the same time, skilled users will love how customizable Kadence is and how well it works with plugins from other sites.

Kadence Theme Features

Here are Kadence Theme features that make it an ideal choice for many users. 

Customizable Starter Templates

kadence review starter template

Kadence theme comes with various customizable starter templates that help you get your website up and running in no time.

You can choose from different template styles, including business, portfolio, and more, which are mobile-friendly.

Kadence Blocks


Kadence also has a set of powerful blocks that help you create visually stunning content for your website.

The Kadence blocks cover a range of features, such as testimonials, price tables, call-to-action buttons, and more. This makes it easy to create a website that looks professional, even if you don’t know how to code.

User-Friendly Interface

The interface of Kadence is intuitive and user-friendly, making it easy for anyone to navigate and customize their website. The WordPress customizer makes it easy to move things around and change fonts, colors, and more.

Lightweight Design

Kadence is a lightweight WordPress theme, which means that compared to other themes, it has a smaller file size. This leads to faster load times and better performance, resulting in a better user experience for your visitors.

Compatibility with Popular Plugins


This WordPress theme works with well-known plugins such as WooCommerce, Elementor, and Rank Math SEO, allowing you to simply extend the functionality of your website and add new features.

Usability of Kadence

When it comes to usability, this premium WordPress theme stands out as one of the most user-friendly WordPress themes available.

One of the reasons why Kadence is so easy to use is its Starter Templates feature.


With this feature, you can choose from several ready-made themes that you can change to fit your needs.


These templates cater to different niches, such as e-commerce, blogs, and portfolios, and give you a head start in developing your website without worrying about the technical details.


In addition, the Kadence Block Library is another tool that makes designing your website a breeze.


You can easily drag and drop custom blocks like picture galleries, testimonials, and pricing tables from the library onto your website.

These blocks are customizable, so you can change them to fit your website’s style.

Installing Kadence is a simple process that only takes a few clicks.

Simply log in to your WordPress dashboard, head to the Appearance section, and search for Kadence.


Once you’ve installed the theme, you can activate it and start using its various features immediately.

As you can see from the above image, I use Kadence theme myself for this site.

Performance of Kadence Theme

One of the most significant advantages of using Kadence is that this theme gives exceptional performance. It is known to have a fast loading speed. The theme is simple and easy to use, making it load faster, which is vital to making your website better for users.

With Kadence, you can expect a swift and responsive website that performs exceptionally well. It may be used for multiple things, making it fast and useful for many niches and businesses.

This makes it suitable for various websites.

Kadence WP Pro Version

The Kadence Pro theme and Kadence blocks are designed for those who require additional customization options and advanced features.

What additional features does Kadence Pro have?

Some of these premium theme features include the Kadence Pro theme, which has additional customization options and enhanced features. The Pro version also includes access to Kadence Blocks Pro, a powerful block library that allows you to easily build intricate page layouts.

One of the most exciting features of Kadence Pro is the Kadence Pro Theme Addon. It is a bundle of advanced features that further expand your website-building capabilities. The add-on includes features such as a header/footer builder, custom fonts, mega menus, etc.

You will have access to the Kadence Cloud. This feature enables you to import and export your website settings across multiple sites.

Kadence Shop Kit customizable WooCommerce templates and product page layouts.

The Kadence team strives to provide the greatest support and tools. Its membership program offers tutorials, tips, and expert help.

Kadence Free Version vs. Kadence Theme Pro

Features of the Free Version

The free version of the Kadence theme includes a lot of great features:

  • Clean and modern design: Visually appealing and user-friendly design suitable for various types of websites.
  • Responsive layout: Fully responsive, ensuring your website looks great on all devices, including smartphones and tablets.
  • Easy customization: You can change the way your website looks without knowing how to code.
  • Demo layouts: The free version of Kadence Theme provides access to several demo layouts you can import and use as a starting point for your site.
  • Multiple options: You can choose from different header styles, page layouts, typography options, colors, and more.
  • SEO-friendly: Kadence Theme is designed with search engine optimization in mind, helping improve your website’s visibility in search results.
  • Fast loading speed: This theme is known for its fast loading times, contributing to an excellent user experience and better search engine rankings.
  • Regular updates and support: The developers behind Kadence Theme provide regular updates and offer support to address any issues or questions you may have.

Additional Features in Kadence Pro

Kadence Pro offers even more features and functionality to enhance your website. Here are some additional features of Kadence Pro:

  • Header Addons: Customize your header and footer and choose from 20 elements.
  • Hooked Elements: You can add blocks or page builder content to any part of your site based on certain conditions and within a certain timeframe.
  • Ultimate Menu: This feature allows you to add different elements like text, images, icons, and even widgets to create a unique navigation experience for your visitors.
  • Fixed Elements: A unique feature of the Kadence theme that allows you to place specific elements in a fixed position.
  • Header/Footer Scripts: Adds capabilities for adding header and footer scripts to the customizer.
  • WooCommerce integration: Add more features to your WooCommerce stores.

Pros of Using Kadence

As I mentioned earlier in this review, Kadence WP offers WordPress users a range of features and benefits. Here are some of the pros:

  • Highly customizable: Kadence’s user-friendly interface and drag-and-drop functionality make it easy to customize your website to suit your needs without requiring technical expertise.
  • Compatibility with popular plugins: Kadence works seamlessly with popular plugins like WooCommerce, Elementor, and Rank Math SEO, making it an ideal choice for ecommerce and search engine optimization.
  • Lightweight and fast-loading: Its lightweight design contributes to fast load times, resulting in a better user experience and improved SEO ranking in search engines like Google.
  • Free starter templates: Offers a range of free starter templates that can be used as a base to create your website efficiently.
  • Kadence Blocks: With Kadence block editor, it’s easy to make custom layouts and design elements for your website without having to use tools from other third-party plugins.
  • Responsive design: Kadence’s responsive design ensures that your website will look great on any device, including desktops, tablets, and mobile devices.

Cons of Using Kadence

As with any WordPress theme, the Kadence theme also has some potential drawbacks. Here are a few of Kadence theme cons:

  • Limited free version features: While the free version of Kadence WP offers a range of tools, it does have some limitations compared to the Pro version, such as access to all the starter templates and Kadence blocks.
  • Requires some learning: Kadence’s robust features can take some time to fully grasp, particularly for those new to WordPress. However, the theme’s user-friendly interface helps to mitigate this learning curve.
  • May require additional plugins: Features alone may not be enough for some users, requiring the installation of other plugins to achieve specific functionality.

While these drawbacks may be a consideration for some users, they do not detract from the overall effectiveness and usefulness of Kadence WP as a WordPress theme option.

Getting Started with Kadence WP

If you’re ready to start using Kadence for your WordPress website, you have several options available to you. Let’s explore some of the ways you can get access to the Kadence WP theme and its various offerings. 



Kadence has three basic pricing plans:

  • Kadence Free Plan: Free forever
  • Kadence Essential Bundle: $129/first year
  • Kadence Full Bundle: $199/first year

You can purchase Kadence bundle, or you can purchase Kadence products separately according to your needs. Below are some additional features that Kadence also offers.

Kadence Cloud

  • Kadence Cloud is a platform that lets people host and control their own libraries of website design elements and content.
  • You can easily drag and drop your best design elements from your library into any website you are working on.
  • Organizing cloud things, making screenshots, and giving users their own access keys are some of the most important features.

Kadence Conversions

  • Kadence Conversions is a no-code WordPress block that lets you make lightweight popups, sale banners, and slide-ins to engage site visitors with offers.
  • It helps increase sales by using popups to show deals that are limited, time-sensitive, or exclusive. Cart failure popups also help keep sales from being lost.
  • With Kadence Conversions, you can collect leads with exclusive bonuses that get people’s attention and keep users interested with announcements and suggestions.

Kadence WooCommerce Shop Kit

  • It offers full template control using the WordPress block editor.
  • You can customize product layouts with the custom template builder.
  • It provides advanced gallery styles for product images on various devices.
  • Variation swatches can be used to display product variations creatively.
  • Advanced reviews with voting capabilities and order reviews are available.
  • Affiliate product options can be used to grow revenue.


I think it’s clear that all those features and benefits make the Kadence theme and Kadence blocks a great WordPress theme.

Kadence is a flexible and useful theme that gives its users a lot of value thanks to its many customization choices, user-friendly interface, and lightweight design.

Whether you opt for the free version or upgrade to the Pro version, you’ll have access to the Kadence theme that can take your website to the next level.

So why not give it a try and see how this fantastic Kadence theme can help you achieve your website-building goals?

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